Bro A Brynn Nosganu – 2000 grey Section D Welsh mare
Kismet came to me a very large, very reactive, semi trained, stunning picture of strength. She had been started under saddle, taken on a mountain trail ride and bolded when the noise from a map opening on her back was a bit too much. She unseated the rider, bolted and was found days later. And deemed not suitable for the role her owner had chosen for her to play. At the time, my Dad was in late stage dementia, my son was a toddler, and I truly did not need a project, but her bloodlines were impressive and ones I knew well. She arrived, and quite literally gave me strength to continue living.
She has a quiet strength, and energy that is a bit ethereal. We had a blast playing dressup, she allowed me to teach many lessons off her back, demonstrating ways to overcome obstacles. She trusted me implicitly and accepted all of the roles she was invited to play except on. Her initial purpose to me was to be a broodmare, and while she has been exposed to several different stallions, never carried a foal full term. She prefers to stay on the periphery of the herd, tolerating their presence, and has has a few close friends and her humans. She occasionally gifts her kindness, compassion and empathy in the most meaningful ways, and allows me to cry in her mane whenever I need to – the best horses have wet manes from human tears.